How to identify fake number in whatsapp 

Hi friends here i am going to share with you most important whatsapp tricks, How to identify fake number in whatsapp.

There are several ways to create a fake WhatsApp account with a Spoof number. These spoof numbers are often U.S. numbers, so in case you suddenly receive a message from a weird number, beware it can be a fake WhatsApp account.

Numbers Starting from (Plus) 1 It Can be Fake

If someone texts you on WhatsApp from a number starting from +1, there's a possibility that the account has been created using voxox app. Remember there is a high possibility that any number starting with +1 can be fake.

Numbers Starting from (Plus) 44 It Can also be Fake

In case you suddenly receive a WhatsApp message from an unknown number starting from +44, there's a high possibility that the number came be fake. WhatsApp accounts created with Fw calls generates such U.K. based numbers.

WhatsApp Display Picture and Status is an Important Indication

If a WhatsApp account has a picture of a cartoon or any other, but not their photo, and the status 'Hey there! I'm using WhatsApp' message shows the update some minutes or hours back its high indication of being a fake account.

In this case, there is a high possibility that account can be a fake one.